Monday 29 September 2008

INR up to 2.... hooray I think...

Had my INR done again this morning. Finally up to 2. So no more stomach injections, at least for the moment. Currently on 9mg of warfarin a day in 3 x 3mg tablets.

I have noticed something this time around. I don't seem to be feeling any sickness shortly after taking the warfarin like I remember from the last time I was taking the drug. I am now not sure how much of it was psychosomatic back then...

Anyway, have had an ok weekend. Some friends I have known for years popped over yesterday for dinner. I knew the girl of the couple when I had my first DVT's 8 years ago. She very much remembered my previous episode so there was no need to go through the whole story with her. Which reminds me. In my last post I mentioned about re-telling DVT or warfarin stories, and how it would be easier to say you broke you leg. Well, a funny thing happened this morning at the hospital. I bumped into a colleague/friend from my work (I work in the hospital where I have my INR managed). Had a quick chat, and told him about my basic condition without going into too much detail. He replied with 'wow, would be a whole lot easier if you simply broke your arm or something'. I rest my case.

I'm still off work at the moment. Not sure how I feel about it. I'm very much appreciating the R&R but starting to go a little stir crazy I think. The pain in my leg and chest has eased greatly, although too much activity brings a throbbing in both places. Doctor has signed me off until the start of next week but I had hoped our occupational health department might see me sooner and ok me for an earlier return. Will need to call in to the office a bit later and see what the score is.

For the past week or so I have been feeling very much my self again without too much of the anxiety I suffered for the first two weeks. That is apart from last night for about 2 minutes. I very much hope this was just a case of me being a little bit of a hypocondriac, but I started to feel little sharp pains in my chest. As soon as they started I could feel my breath becoming a little short then slight panic set in. I gave it a few moments to properly assess how I was feeling. Sharp pain passed and breath same back to normal. Not sure if I should act upon it or not. Feel totally fine this morning.

Oh and last point for today, the bumpy clot on my sternum feels like it is starting to breakdown. Still quite lumpy but smaller for certain. Lets hope it clears totally. I don't think I like the idea of a lumpy sternum for life.


Anonymous said...

Hi - not sure if this will work but worth the post I think! Just wanted to say hello - I read your post on Dero's forum - my story is months ago and psoted as Mutti i think - hahaha passwords and user names are ok if you can remember them! Anyway just wanted to say you are not alone - won't repeat my story you can read it on 'lifeafterdvt' but like you am in UK have factor II mutation and am on lifelong warfarin so it's good to 'talk'. I can imagine you are still in process of pickig yourself up and dusting yourself down... allow yourself time, I'm sure this blog is a help and gradually bit by bit things will settle and you'll get better and better. Best wishes for improved health and energy soon - Sue

Dumela said...

Hi Sue
Really good of you to leave your comments and support. The whole factor 11 issue came to light 8 years ago. What's been hard this time is that I thought I would get by for much longer without letting it become part of my life every single day. But in answer to your statement, I am in the process of picking my self back up again. I went back to work today and spoke to a builder about some home improvements. It was nice to do normal things again.